Investigation of the possibility of obtaining butter with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids


Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) consumed with dietary fats are physiologically active substances involved in metabolic processes in the organism, in particular, carbohydrate-fat and cholesterol metabolism, regulation of redox processes. Butter is one of the main food items of the daily human diet. The basis of butter is milk fat, which is characterized by a rich fatty acid composition and unique properties. The possibility of obtaining butter with the desired ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids without making adjustments to the technological process using milk with high PUFA content has been investigated.

The purpose of the study was to obtain butter enriched with PUFA from the milk of Holstein cows with a modified fatty acid composition towards an increased content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Material and methods. For the research, dairy raw materials from lactating Holstein cows were used, the milking herd included 881 cows. Dairy raw materials were studied, selected individually from each cow. According to the results of an in–depth assessment of the composition of milk lipid fractions, a group of cows was isolated after the first calving – 15 heads, whose milk was characterized by an increased content of unsaturated fatty acids. The content of milk fat, protein, lactose and fatty acid composition of milk were determined by infrared spectrometry with Fourier transform. Butter was produced from the milk of the experimental and control (combined) groups, which was evaluated by organoleptic (on a 20-point scale), physico-chemical parameters, including fatty acid composition determined by gas chromatography.

Results. Milk obtained from cows of the experimental group differed downward from the combined milk produced in the whole herd in terms of protein and casein content by 12.8%, dry matter – by 4.4%, SOMO – by 3.1%. It varied upwards in milk sugar level (by 3.2%). In the milk fat of the milk of the experimental group of cows, the total amount of saturated fatty acids was reduced by 14.9%, and unsaturated fatty acid level was increased by 12.6%; as a result, the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids was higher by 31.7%. The butter produced from the milk of cows of the experimental group was slightly inferior to the control sample in terms of the characteristics of «taste and smell», «consistency» and total score. At the same time, the prototype fat differed from the control one by a more pronounced, saturated yellow color. Evaluation of the fatty acid composition of the experimental and control fat samples showed the advantage of the prototype in terms of PUFA content compared to the control. The total amount of unsaturated fatty acids exceeded the same indicator for the control sample by 8.3%, while the superiority of polyunsaturated fatty acids was 14.4%. At the same time, saturated fatty acid level in the experimental sample was 4.2% less, but the amount of volatile low–molecular-weight fatty acids was significantly reduced compared to the control sample – by 19.1%.

Conclusion. The results obtained show the possibility and open the prospect of obtaining butter with a more favorable ratio of fatty acids in favor of PUFAs by selecting cows for milk with a higher ratio of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids and further selection aimed at an increased content of PUFAs in milk.

Keywords:milk; butter; milk fat; fatty acids; polyunsaturated fatty acids

Funding. The research was carried out as part of the implementation of the academic leadership program of the Stavropol State Agrarian University “Priority-2030”.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Contribution. Study concept and design – Kaishev V.G.; data collection and analysis – Oleinik S.A.; interpretation of the results, writing the text of the article – Sychev O.V.; editing, approval of the final version of the article, responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the article – all authors.

For citation: Kaishev V.G., Oleinik S.A., Sycheva O.V. Investigation of the possibility of obtaining butter with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of Nutrition]. 2023; 92 (2): 109–15. DOI: (in Russian)


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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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