Medical and prophylactic properties lipids and antioxidants derived from sea hydrobionts
Recent researches in the field of studying medical-preventive activity of lipids and natural antioxidants derived from sea hydrobionts at carbohydrate and lipid metabolic imbalances were analyzed. On experimental models of hyperlipidemia and a diabetes the optimum dozes and polyunsaturated fat acids ω-3/ω-6 in structure of phospho- and glycolipids derived from sea macrophytes Sargassum pallidum, Ulva fenestrata, Zostera marina, and also antioxidants – polyhydroxynaphthoquinone а echinochrome A derived from flat sea urchin Scaphechinus mirabilis and mixes of polyphenols from sea grass Zostera marina were determined. Prospective mechanisms of polar lipids, containing various polyunsaturated fat acids and specified above antioxidants are presented on the basis of the received results and the analysis of published data.
Biochemistry of nutrition
Effects of green tea extract and its components on antioxidant status and activities of xenobiotic metabolizing enzimes of rats
Dietary administration of green tea extract (GTE) or epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), quercetin (Qu) or caffeine (Cf) in doses equal to their concentration in GTE led to an increase of serum and liver antioxidant capacity and strengthening stability of microsomal and lysosomal membranes in rats. The antioxidant efficiency of EGCG and Qu was considerably higher than that of GTE. There were significant differences in the effects of EGCG, Qu and GTE on the activities and expression of mRNA for CYP1A1, CYP1A2 and CYP3A1. But feeding both GTE and Cf to rats results in similar elevated activities of CYP1A1, CYP1A2, UDP-glucuronosyl transferase and glutathion transferase. Our results suggest that Cf is the main contributor to GTE effects on activities of xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes.
The study of apoptosis of hepatocytes of rats for estimation safety and efficacy of application biologically active substances
The magnitude of apoptosis of hepatocytes of rats that were within 2 weeks on a balanced complete semi-synthetic diet supplemented with extract of green tea, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), quercetin, coffein (1–4th experimental groups accordingly) is studied. The contents EGCG, quercetin and coffein in rats of 2–4th experimental groups correspond to their content in diet of rats 1 experimental group, and equally contents in tonic beverage. It is determined that application in diets extract of green tea and its compounds does not damage effect on hepatocytes of rats. The use of diets with the inclusion of extract of green tea, quercetin and coffein provides the clear tendency to stabilize the plasma membrane of hepatocytes comparison with rats of control group (rats fed the same diet but without the inclusion of the above-mentioned biologically active substances).
Variability of the plasma proteome in healthy people (report 1)
The last decade has seen intense development of proteomic technologies have opened new perspectives for rapid large-scale screening of biological samples in order to find biomarkers of various diseases or conditions. However, in order to adequately evaluate the possibility of using protein as a biomarker, it is necessary to know how much its concentration varies widely in healthy people. This project aims to explore the limits of the concentration of protein components of plasma in healthy people.
Hygiene of nutrition
Study composition of lactoflora of the large intestine in patients with food allergy and irritable bowel syndrome
Patients of different ages with various forms of food allergy and also with the irritable bowel syndrome with locks are studied. The quantitative levels of bifido- and lactoflora of large intestine, the qualitative characteristics of lactoflora population, including specific gravity of individual representatives in the sum of the isolates, are investigated, species composition is identified. Shown that food allergy, irrespective of the disease manifestation form induces the balance disturbance of bifido- and lactoflora in large intestine, significantly affects the reduction in the number of species of Lactococcus and Leuconostoc spp. and on the narrowing of the enzymatically active species of Lactobacillus spp.
Influence food products enrichment pro- and prebiotics on microecology status of man
Analyzes the feasibility of complex use of preparations containing lactulose, nutritive soy fortifier, pectin, alginate natrium and their complexes in technology of products on the basis of meat raw material as the components providing selectivity bifidofadjusting of activity.
Contamination of imported and native food products by toxic elements (comparative aspect)
Analyzed data from monitoring chemical contamination by toxic elements of imported and native food products.
Effectiveness analysis established in Russia and hygienic standards for the use of food dyes
Analysis of the income of diet and frequency of use of food additives – dyes in food production showed that established in Russia hygienic standards provide compliance with acceptable doses of these substances. For the first time in Russia an assessment of dietary intake of several food dyes, possessing biological activity is conducted. The average daily intake by using such substances can reach (as % of physiological needs of the adult population): riboflavin – 180%, curcumin – 60%, beta-carotene – 25%, anthocyanins – 10%, canthaxanthin (lutein, lycopene) – 5%.
The estimation of risk of deficit consumption of proteins, vitamins and substance mineral adult population of Samara
Survey of the brainwork workers with low physical activity has revealed the risks of inadequate consumption of fiber, calcium, iron, vitamins В1, В2, С, А, due to mismanagement of their consumption.
Substantiation of the program of realization of bases of the state policy of a healthy nutrition of population of the Samara Region for the period till 2020 year
Substantiate the need for long-term program of sanitation the diet of the population of the Samara Region. A systemic analysis of actual nutrition of different population groups in the region showed an excessive consumption of fats and added sugar – the main risk factors of obesity, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. The risks of inadequate consumption of vitamins В, calcium, iron, caused by the irrational combination of the foodstuff use, are revealed.
Prophylaxis iodine deficit: information support
An insufficient intake of micronutrients has massive and permanent nature and influence negatively to health, growth and vitality of the entire nation. One-third part of Russian schoolchildren suffer from deficiency of iron and iodine. Every year in Russia 215,000 children are born with brain damages associated with iodine deficiency. Raising the public awareness regarding the risks and prevention of micronutrient deficiency is the key issue of public health and nutrition. The study which included 4500 respondents in the Urals Federal District showed 2–4-fold increase awareness of the respondents in different positions after the communication campaign for prevention of micronutrient deficiencyy.
Effect of microwave on migration in the model environment of chemicals from materials that come into contact with foodstuffs
Under the influence of microwaves is migration of chemical and metals used in manufacture for these furnaces. This confirms the need for research to develop modes of training materials used in the manufacture of utensils used in microwave ovens.
Methods for assessing the quality and safety of food and food additives
Method of quantitative content soya protein determination in cooked meats using indirect immune-enzyme analysis
With the help of immune-enzyme analysis the amount of soy protein was determined in cooked meats. The results obtained are subjected to mathematical processing, also shows the metrological performance of the method.
Nutrition of sportsmеn
Analyses of special foods for sportsmen (received for 2007–2010 years)
Review of about special foods for sportsmen (SFS) when 80% of which were imported and to be received for 2007–2010 years is presented. Discrepancy with demands of Russian legislation of some SFS (about 30%) is noted. Sufficiently wide spectrum of proposed products and tendency to progressive complication of SFS composition are observed. Data obtained let to suggest that possibility to have more expected effectiveness when such products are used can be one of explanation of that tendency.