5 . 2011

Biological active substances of plant origin. Flavanones: dietary sources, biovailability, the influence on xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes

This review summarizes data concerning distribution, as well as the main food sources and daily consumption of flavanones, a relatively small group of flavonoids exhibiting wide range of biological activities, which are mainly specific for citrus fruits. The questions on their bioavailability and metabolism are discussed. The results of the in vitro and in vivo studies on the effects of flavanones on the activity of I and II phase drug metabolizing enzymes are shown.
Biochemistry of nutrition

Effect of fatty component in ration and Ko Q10 on indices of metabolism of lipids in ontogenesis

The studies made on rats of 1, 3, 6 and 12 months with fish, palm and linseed oil included in the ration in combination of KoQ10, showed that beginning from young age till 12 months fatty acid composition of liver depended of fat component in the ration. Long-term consumption of fish fat with age results in significant increase in omega 3 fatty acids. In this case the omega 6 fatty acids level remained rather high being indicative of organism adaptation and inclusion of compensatory mechanisms supporting the required level of omega 6. With rat age the content of of KoQ10 in liver of rats of the control group and animals fed by of KoQ10 and palm oil with of KoQ10 decreased by 15–27%, while the consumption of linseed oil and fish fat with tended to increase the content of KoQ10 by 30 and 35%, respectively.
Hygiene of nutrition

A comparative assessment of the diet influence on growth and development of rats

There are presented the results of a comparative assessment of the semi-synthetic casein diet, traditionally used by Institute of Nutrition RAMS, and the AIN-93 purified diet, offered by the American Institute of Nutrition, on growth and development of rats. A total of 60 male Wistar rats were used at 90-days experiment, rats were divided into two groups: first group received the semi-synthetic casein diet, the second group – AIN-93 diet. Analysis of integral, hematological and biochemical parameters revealed some differences between groups, but values of all studied parameters were within the physiological norm for Wistar rat. Based on the results of this experiment were suggested a new formulation of a diet for laboratory animals.

Characteristic of efficiency experimental evaluation of zinc oxide nanoparticles use in nutri-tion experiments on the laboratory animal

In experiments on rats there was researched bioavailability of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanopаrticles. There were determined the content of Zn in blood serum and tibia, intestinal uptake of macromolecules of egg albumin, some hematological, biochemical and immune indices, liver cells apoptosis. The results obtained show that the uptake of nanoparticles of ZnO enables restoration of this microelement status damaged by zinc deficit diet.

Hygienic training of the workers occupied in food industry

The system of professional hygienic training for the workers of enterprises in various branches of food industry needs updating. Suggestions how to improve this work are made.

Biologically active food supplements as sources of flavonoids, tannins and dietary fiber

The content of some biologically active substances such as bioflavonoids, tannins and dietary fiber in various type of biologically active additive was analyzed. The results are shown that the content of bioflavonoids ranger from 26,0 to 3970,0 mg%, tannins – from 1,19 to 857,0 mg%, insoluble dietary fiber – from 4,56 to 67,89% and soluble dietary fiber – from 1,0 to 66,8%.

The influence of lactic acid bacteria and yeast on production staphylococcal enterotoxins


Research of influence of 10 lactic acid bacteria cultures on staphylococcal growth and production of staphylococcal enterotoxins SEА and SEВ has shown that lactic acid bacteria slow down SEA in 5,7 fold and SEB – 1,56 fold. All investigated cultures possessed inhibition action on SEА and SEВ production. Has been established, what lactic acid bacteria slow down growth of staphylococcus in 1,48 fold. It has shown that appears, that the most effective inhibitors of SEА and SEВ production are strains L. сasei, Lactobacillus acidophilus 317/402.

Influence of chitosan on growth rates and protein metabolism in rats

The results of this experiment indicate that the content of chitosan in the experimental diet of rats influence on the true biological value of protein (BVtr) in the composition of this diet. The change (decrease) BVtr is not directly proportional to the content of chitosan in the diet. The minimum value of BVtr obtained by us has been observed by adding chitosan in an amount of 1,8 grams per 100 grams of dry diet.

The justification of levels of vitamins and minerals added to foods of mass consumption

This review outlines the scientific rationale and commentary for the introduction of sanitary rules and norms governing the enrichment of foods of mass consumption with vitamins and minerals, which were harmonized with EU documents and Codex Alimentarius.
Diet treatment

Optimization nutrition management on the cancer patients after surgery on the esophagus and stomach: modern view on problem

The review discusses the problem of cancer patients’ nutrition, the data of the nutritional factors role in the restoring the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the basic principles of the diet after operations on the esophagus and stomach.
Nutrition of sportsmеn

On the significance of the individual nutrition for top athletes

It is established that individual menu, corresponded for personal nutritional need is a key factor for sport success of top athletes. A lot of questions and real approach for formation of the personal menu for top athletes are observed.

Influence of specialized protein food products on functional status of wrestlers

Influence of system of protein and amino acid rehabilitation on a functional condition of wrestlers is studied. It is established that the offered system has a wide range of adaptogenic Found that the proposed system and aсtoprotective activity shows immunoprotеctive effect on the humoral immune system, accelerates processes of restoration after physical activity, provides a gain of working capacity, and also promotes adaptation of cardiovascular system for physical exercise.

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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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