Scientific and practical journal "Problems of Nutrition"
Year founded: 1932
The journal “ Problems of Nutrition” is included in the List of the leading peer-reviewed journals and publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for publication of the results of theses for the degree of candidate or doctor of science.
The journal is included in the following information and reference publications and bibliographic databases: VINITI Abstracts Journal, Pubmed,, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Russian Periodical Catalog
Editor-in-Chief – Viktor A. Tutelian, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, A cademician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific supervisor of the Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology (former Institute of Nutrition)
Target Audience: nutritionists, biochemists, pediatricians, physicians, gastroenterologists, family practitioners, hygienists, health care managers, food technologists.
Free access policy
Articles of the journal “Problems of Nutrition” are available to everyone as free open access to the results of research contributes to the increase of general knowledge. No part of the publication can be reproduced without the written consent of the editorial office. Any reprint of publications with the consent of the editorial office is allowed provided the work is properly cited.
The journal pages are devoted to main trends in the development of nutritional science in Russia and abroad: new strategies in clinical nutrition, basic research, scientific substantiation of healthy nutrition. The majority of publications are focused on scientific and applied problems of nutrition, which are primarily related to the implementation of the main directions of the public policy concept in the area of provision of healthy nutrition to the population on the territory of Russia at the federal and regional levels, risk assessment pertaining to provision of nutrition to the general population and the relationships between quality of life and nutrition. The journal also considers issues pertaining to safety of using new food products enriched with biologically active substances for nutrition of the general population. Issues of biochemistry, physiology, hygiene, nutrition, toxicology, sports nutrition, preventive, curative, pediatric nutrition, nutrition of patients in hospitals and surgical wards are considered from the contemporary point of view.
Main headings
- Reviews
- Physiology and biochemistry of nutrition
- Clinical nutrition
- Food hygiene
- Vitaminology
- Micronutrients in nutrition
- Preventive nutrition
- Pediatric nutrition
- Social and economic issues of nutrition
- Sports nutrition
- Assistance to sanitary doctor
- Excerpts from the history of medicine
Frequency of publication: once every 2 months
Circulation: 3000 copies
Volume: 112 pages
Subscription index: 88007 (in catalog of agency "Press of Russia")
ISSN (print): 0042-8833
ISSN (online): 2658-7440