Information for authors of research and practical peer-reviewed journal "Problems of Nutrition" (“Voprosy pitaniia” in Russian)


- Editorial Board provides the peer-review (expert review) of the articles sent for publication. The Journal adheres to the principles of the international organization Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE). Publication of the article is available only after receiving positive reviews (including at least two reviewers and an expert in biomedical statistics).

- An article can only be published after receiving a positive peer review from at least 2 reviewers and, if necessary, a biomedical statistician.

- The Editorial Board reserves the right to literary edit (including possible reduction of the text), aiming to provide better apprehension without changing the main ideas of the content of the article. The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt of the final (revised) version of the article if it is finalized by the authors after reviewing.

- In the event that the conduct of the study and/or the preparation of the article were financially supported, the source of funding must be indicated. If there was no financial support, you need to indicate its absence. This information should be presented in Russian and English in the Funding section at the end of the resume, after the keywords.

- The data presented in the manuscript must be original. Editorial does not consider materials previously published in other journals or submitted to other periodicals for publication.

- It is unacceptable to use illegal copying and appropriation of research results that do not belong to the authors of the submitted manuscript. Materials are checked for copying using the Anti-Plagiarism system.

- The editorial Board provides readers with the opportunity to send comments, questions and criticisms via e-mail (

- An author (or authors) when submitting materials is aware that bears personal responsibility for novelty and reliability of results of the scientific research.

- If the article is admitted to publication, it is kindly requested to report the results of the randomized controlled trials in accordance with the current set of recommendations for such design researches (

- By submitting the article and accompanying files for publication in the journal, all authors confirm that they provide LLC Publishing Group "GEOTAR-Media" with the exclusive and perpetual right to use the publication free of charge (exclusive, perpetual and royalty-free license) for territory of Russia and foreign countries within the following limits and scope:

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placement of an article or its parts in various collections of similar researches;

granting the rights provided for by this article, in full or in part, to third parties (individuals and legal entities), both on a paid and free basis.


- Requirements for manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal "Nutrition Problems" are compiled in accordance with the uniform requirements developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE;

- Manuscripts presented for publication in the journal should be written in Russian or in English, and correspond to the topics edition.

All materials must be submitted through the site. The manuscript must be checked for spelling and grammar. The manuscript should be submitted in 1 file (title page, abstract, keywords, information about funding, conflict of interests, acknowledgments, authors' contribution, text of the article, tables and figures - each table and figure must have a number and title in Russian and English, list of references in the order of citing sources in the text, information about the authors). Manuscripts should be in format text files (.rtf, .doc, and etc.). Text should be entered in Word, Times font, size 12, line-spacing 1.5, A4 page size. Volume of the original article must not exceed 20 pages and 6 figures; brief report - 12 pages, mini-review – 15 pages, review – 30 pages and 8 figures. The following sections must be highlighted in the main part of the original article: “Materials and Methods”, "Results", "Discussion" or "Conclusion". Important information is provided in bold or italic. Figures (if they are not made in Word or Excel) and scanned documents are recorded as separate files, also containing the name of the first author.

- The manuscript must have a cover letter (printed on a stamped letterhead) signed by the head (or his deputy) of the institution where the relevant research was conducted. The letter must indicate that the article material has not been previously published. The letter should be scanned and sent in a separate file (in format jpeg, pdf).

- All authors indicated in the manuscript must sign and forward to the editorial office Article Submission Form, with a mandatory indication of the presence or absence of a conflict of interests. It should also declare that the material is approved by all of its authors. Any situation that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data or change their interpretation can be considered a conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest among one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article. The concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interest on the part of the authors revealed by the editors may be the reason for refusal to consider and publish the manuscript. The authors' statement should be scanned and sent in a separate file (in format jpeg, pdf).

- The front page of the article should contain in Russian and English: title of the article (abbreviations should not be used in the title); full name (last names), job position, academic degree, academic title of each author(s); institutional affiliation of each author; e-mail of each author (if not applicable, indicate an e-mail of the institution); author's profile on the portal; full name, addresses and phone numbers of institutions, at the premises of which the research was held; the full name of the head of department, clinic, laboratory. It must include the full name, phone number and e-mail of the author, who can negotiate and maintain correspondence relating the material submitted to the Editorial Board.

- The paper should include an extended abstract (summary) in Russian and English (size –from 250 words to 1 printed page). The abstract should contain the following sections: relevance, purpose of the research, material and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, indicating the design of the study (retrospective or prospective).

- Article should include in Russian and in English the keywords and the full name of the institution at the premises of which the research was held.

- After the abstract, key words in Russian and English, information on financial support for the research, grants should be given; as well as indication of a conflict of interest. Avoid abbreviations in resumes and keywords.

- The original article should include the following sections:

  • Introduction: brief justification of a relevance of the research, with data from foreign and domestic literature. In the introduction the goal and objectives should be formulated.
  • Material and methods : the study design (prospective or retrospective), a clinical or experimental material description, indicating the criteria for inclusion, non-inclusion and exclusion of patients, ways and methods for solving the tasks, including statistical methods. Previously published methods should be cited: the author only describes changes that are relevant to the topic. It is highly recommended that you follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials, available at When submitting experimental research for publication, one should be guided by the "Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and Use of Animals". In addition to the type, sex and number of animals used, the authors must indicate the methods of anesthesia and killing of animals used during painful procedures. The papers presenting the results of scientific research should use modern methods of statistical data processing, which must be described in detail at the end of this section, so that the reader has the opportunity to verify the results of the study, indicating models of logistic or linear regression analysis (determinants and covariants); statistical package and version;
  • Results: description and explanation of all the data obtained with indicating the results of a statistical processing, recommendations on the implementation of the results or the need for further research on this topic.
  • Discussion: the state of the development of the issue or the problem studied, with focusing on the new and important aspects of the study, comparing the results with those of other authors (with references to the domestic and foreign literature).
  • Conclusion: a brief description of the outcome of the scientific research. Conclusions should logically correspond to the objective and tasks. Avoid conclusions which are not corroborated by evidence.

- The review articles are designed in the same way as original articles. It is desirable that the preparation of reviews follows international recommendations on systematic literature search methods and standards. Abstracts of review articles should contain information on methods for searching literature in the Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, RSCI, etc. Detailed information on how to write reviews can be found in the PRISMA Guide (Recommended Items for Reporting for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis), available at ( available at (

- In the main text of the manuscript, only standard symbols and abbreviations should be used. All abbreviations in the main text, except for units of measurement (l, m2, kg, s, etc.), can be used only after the initial spelling of each term in full, then its abbreviation is given in brackets. If an article uses 10 or more abbreviations, a separate list of abbreviations should be compiled.

- When describing drugs one should indicate their International Nonproprietary Names (INN) and stick carefully calibrated doses.

- Semantic allocations are made in bold type or in italic.

IIа. Illustrations

- Each illustration (graphs, diagrams, drawings, photographs) is submitted as a separate file in tiff or eps format, text-signature - separately in Word format (with corresponding numeration). If an electronic graphic image was created in the Microsoft Office application (Word, PowerPoint, Excel), then it should be presented in the same format in the text of the manuscript. Numbers of illustrations should correspond to their numbering in the text of the manuscript. Figure title, caption text, legend and axis titles are duplicated in English.

- Graphs, diagrams should be black and white only. They are provided either as a separate vector file in eps format (fonts are in curves) or created in Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) (textures and artistic fills are not allowed).

- The image size in the file must be equal to its ultimate physical size (in millimeters) with resolution of 300 dpi or 2 megabytes (and more).

- Printscreens will not be accepted.

- The illustrations of the same type should be identical in size, scale, nature of presenting information.

- Tables allow concisely and accurately represent important information, thereby reducing the volume of the main text of the manuscript. Tables should contain only the necessary data, and provide a generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table in Word must have its own title, it should not give values that are easily deduced from the available ones (for example, a difference or percentages). Legends and explanatory captions should be placed below the table. Reductions used in a table must be decoded at the end of a legend in alphabetical order. References to tables in the text of the manuscript are made as follows: “Table 1 (2, 3, etc.)”.

- Duplication of the same data in text, tables and figures is not allowed.

- If the drawing (table, photo etc.) has been previously published elsewhere, indicate the original source and obtain written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction the pattern, except for documents in the public domain.

IIb. References

- The editorial board asks authors to provide bibliographic references to original articles. References to review articles and abstracts should be avoided. It is mandatory for all articles to indicate DOI, for all books ISBN. References to dissertations, patents, abstracts and any collections without imprint and ISBN or doi are not accepted. The references in the text are given as numerals in square brackets starting with [1] in accordance with the list of references (authors are not listed in alphabetical order).

In accordance with this numbering (in the order of citation), 2 lists of references are compiled (this is a requirement for the publication of articles in scientific periodicals included in international databases):

- Literature [all publications in the native language (Russian words in Cyrillic, foreign words in Latin)] (GOST R 7.0.5 2008);

- References [description of Russian-language sources in Latin (names of authors, names of sources of publications and names of publishers are transliterated, the titles of the works themselves - books, articles - are translated into English)] (according to the National Library of Medicine - NLM). Please note: when transliterating the necessary information, use the site, section BGN.

- The list of references should include:

a) for books - the full name of the author (only the first 6 author's surname are indicated followed by et al.), the title of the book, place and year of publication, number of pages in a book or a link to a specific page, ISBN;

b) for journal articles - the full name of the author, (only the first 6 author's surname are indicated followed by et al.), the title of the article, journal name, year, volume, issue, link to a specific page, DOI;

c) for materials of scientific conferences - surname and initials of the author, title of the article, name of the collection, place of publication (city), year, page numbers from and to, or a link to a specific page, DOI or a link to an electronic resource;

The reference list should not include unpublished studies and textbooks. When citing electronic materials it is necessary to provide a reference to relevant Internet resources - electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, etc. In the list of references there should be no more than 2-3 online sources.

It is recommended to use in the original article at least 10 and not more than 30 reliable sources(for the last 5-10 years). In a review article it should not be more than 80 sources at least half are foreign sources, over the past 5 years). The reference list should include at least 5 sources published over the past 2 years in periodicals with a high index of international citation.

The author is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the references.

Here are examples of bibliographic lists.

LITERATURE (according to GOST R 7.0.5 2008)


Попова А.Ю., Тутельян В.А., Никитюк Д.Б. О новых (2021) Нормах физиологических потребностей в энергии и пищевых веществах для различных групп населения Российской Федерации // Вопросы питания. 2021. Т. 90, № 4. С. 6–19. DOI: 10.33029/0042-8833-2021-90-4-6-19

Borowska S., Brzoska M.M., Tomczyk M. Complexation of bioelements and toxic metals by polyphenolic compounds – implications for health // Curr. Drug Targets. 2018. Vol. 19, N 14. P. 1612–1638. DOI: 10.2174/1389450119666180403101555.


Рослый И.М. Биохимические показатели в медицине и биологии. Москва : МИА, 2015. 609 с. ISBN: 978-5-9986-0196-5.

Нутрициология и клиническая диетология. Национальное руководство / под ред. В.А. Тутельяна, Д.Б. Никитюка. Москва : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2021. 2-е изд. 1008 с. ISBN: 978-5-9704-6280-5. DOI: 10.33029/9704-6280-5-NKD-2021-1-1008

Тутельян В.А., Никитюк Д.Б., Погожева А.В. Глава 2. Образовательные (просветительские) программы для молодежи в области здорового питания. В кн.: Актуальные проблемы образования и здоровья обучающихся. Под ред. Стародубова В.И., Тутельяна В.А. Москва : Издательско-полиграфический центр «Научная книга» (Воронеж), 2020. 448 с. ISBN: 978-5-6044147-4-3.

Materials of scientific conferences:

Тутельян В.А. Эволюция и революции на пути формирования современной нутрициологии. Интегративная и цифровая нутрициология как ближайшее будущее // Вопросы питания. 2018. Т. 87, № 5. Приложение. С. 21–22. DOI: 10.24411/0042-8833-2018-10101

Тихонова Ю.Л., Милушкина О.Ю., Калиновская М.В. Анализ взаимосвязи эндокринной патологии у детей первого года жизни и контаминации продуктов детского питания в Российской Федерации // В сб. Материалов III Международного форума Научного совета Российской Федерации по экологии человека и гигиене окружающей среды «Современные проблемы оценки, прогноза и управления экологическими рисками здоровью населения и окружающей среды, пути их рационального решения». Москва, 2018. С. 388–392. ISBN: 978-5-9500159-2-2

REFERENCES (по NLM - National Library of Medicine)


Popova A.Yu., Tutelyan V.A., Nikityuk D.B. On the new (2021) Norms of physiological requirements in energy and nutrients of various groups of the population of the Russian Federation. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of Nutrition]. 2021; 90 (4): 6-19. DOI: (in Russian)

Borowska S., Brzoska M.M., Tomczyk M. Complexation of bioelements and toxic metals by polyphenolic compounds – implications for health. Curr Drug Targets. 2018; 19 (14): 1612–38. DOI: 10.2174/1389450119666180403101555.


Rosliy I.M. Biochemical indicators in medicine and biology. Moscow: MIA. 2015: 609 p. ISBN: 978-5-9986-0196-5. (in Russian)

Nutrition and clinical nutrition. National guidance. Ed. Tutelyan V.A., Nikityuk D.B. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2021. 2nd ed. 1008 p. ISBN 978-5-9704-6280-5 DOI: 10.33029/9704-6280-5-NKD-2021-1-1008

Tutelyan V.A., Nikityuk D.B., Pogozheva A.V. Chapter 2. Educational (educational) programs for young people in the field of healthy nutrition. In: Actual problems of education and health of students. Ed. Starodubova V.I., Tutelyana V.A. Moscow: Publishing and printing center "Scientific book" (Voronezh), 2020: 448 p. ISBN: 978-5-6044147-4-3

Materials of scientific conferences:

Tutelyan V.A. Evolyuciya i revolyucii na puti formirovaniya sovremennoj nutriciologii. Integrativnaya i cifrovaya nutriciologiya kak blizhajshee budushchee [Evolution and revolutions on the way of forming modern nutrition science. Integrative and digital nutrition science as the next future]. Voprosy pitaniia [Problems of Nutrition]. 2018; 87 (5 Suppl): 21–22. DOI: 10.24411/0042-8833-2018-10101. (in Russian)

Tikhonova Yu.L., Milushkina O.Yu., Kalinovskaya M.V. Analysis of the relationship of endocrine pathology in children of the first year of life and the contamination of baby food in the Russian Federation]. In: Proceedings of the III International Forum of the Scientific Council of the Russian Federation on Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene "Modern problems of assessment, prediction and management of environmental risks to public health and the environment, ways of their rational solution". Moscow, 2018: С. 38892. ISBN: 978-5-9500159-2-2. (in Russian)


- The Editorial Board adheres to the principles set forth in the Helsinki Declaration of the World Medical Association (WMA) “Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects Research”, adopted by the 18th WMA General Assembly in June 1964, amended and supplemented by the General Assemblies of WMA in 2013 (,, International guiding principles for biomedical research involving animals ( approved by the Counsil for International Organizations of Medical Sciences – CIOMS in 2012, and holds that all clinical researches involving human subjects and all experimental researches involving animals should be conducted in accordance with such principles. In the “Material and methods” section, authors should specify that a written voluntary informed consent was obtained from all patients or volunteers before they were subjected to a scientific research, and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the institution.

- Information such as names, initials, numbers of patient records should not be published either in the text or illustrations (e.g. X-ray films) or captions to them, except in cases where such information is essential for scientific purposes. In such cases, a written voluntary consent of patients (parents or guardians) is mandatory. The same goes for images of patients. Authors should inform the patient, whether his or here data (including photographs) would be published in print or online. Informed consent requires that patients consenting to publish their data would be able to review the manuscript and illustrative material prior to publication.

- If animals are used as the study subjects, it should be noted in the text of the manuscript that authors have provided a humane attitude toward them. In the “Material and methods” section it is necessary to indicate that all investigators acted in accordance with the “Rules for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” (see books/labrats/contents.html) or in accordance with local or national guidelines on that subject.

- To become the co-author one should make a considerable contribution to creation of the research. Each author should be directly involved in the research study and in writing of the manuscript, and be responsible for its content. Other participants that do not meet criteria for authorship, should be specified in the list of acknowledgements at the end of the manuscript. It is necessary to indicate the contribution of the authors in writing the article (in Russian and English), i.e. in which of the stages of the creation of the article each of its authors took part: the concept and design of the study, the collection and processing of material, statistical data processing, writing the text, editing, etc.). The number of authors of the article should be reasonable: in original articles without restrictions, in reviews no more than 5 authors, in descriptions of individual clinical cases 2-3 authors. Authors are required to provide links to their profile at More information about authorship can be found on the website of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors by reference

- When using citations in the text of the manuscript (in quotation marks) you must specify the source of the quotation in footnote (author’s name, title of publication, city, Publishing house, year, page number or name of the publication, year, issue, page). Quotations cited in the article should be carefully checked by the authors.

- Manuscripts which are executed not in accordance with the rules of the Editorial Board, will not be accepted. In case of reviewing the manuscript, but its failure to publish, justified denial is sending to authors by email. In some cases, the manuscript may be sent to authors with a proposal to make some amendments and resubmit the corrected manuscript to the Editors for a repeated review.

- Reviewers have a right to privacy, which is strictly enforced by the Editors. Names of reviewers and their comments are not published and are not disclosed without the permission of the reviewers and the Editor.

- Articles devoted to the jubilee events should be sent to the Editorial office not later than 6 months before the landmark date.

- Manuscripts should be submitted to the Journal in electronic form.

- All matters relating to the review and publication of manuscripts should be sent in electronic form (

- Confidentiality of all correspondence is guaranteed. All manuscripts are available to read only by their authors, members of the Editorial Board and reviewers.

Articles not drawn up according to these recommendations will not be accepted.

Fee for publication will not be charged.

Manuscripts should not be submitted in PDF format.

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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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