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5 . 2013

Using of a specialized fermented milk product on the basis of soybeans in cardiology practice

AbstractThe article is dedicated to the use of a specialized fermented milk product on the basis of soybeans in cardiology practice. 45 patients of both sexes (27 men and 18 women) aged 38 to 69 years (mean age 53,7±3,1 years) who underwent macrofocal myocardial infarction and abide in the acute period and the period of early rehabilitation have been observed. The data obtained by the comparison of the dynamics of clinical, laboratory and functional parameters in patients, strongly suggests the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of the basic treatment by anti-atherogenic diet with fermented soy drink, enriched with magnesium salts, water-soluble forms of β-carotene and α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and selenium. 30–35 day inclusion of a fermented soy-based product in comprehensive treatment was accompanied by a marked lipid lowering effect, compared with the standard anti-atherogenic diet. Total cholesterol level in patients from the intervention group (n=21) decreased by 36,3 per cent, thus reaching the standard level, the corresponding figure in the control group (n=24) decreased by 24,7 per cent (the difference is statistically significant). Total number of rhythm and conduction disorders in patients receiving product was 1,43 per patient, while it reached 1,83 per patient on the basic therapy and a standard diet. The vast majority were beats, no cases of ventricular fibrillation and one case of atrioventricular block took place in patients from the experimental group. Paroxysmal and atrial fibrillation in the control group of patients were recorded 2 fold more often than in the main group. In addition, three cases of ventricular fibrillation were reported in patients from the control group. Early usage of soy drink 3 fold reduced the incidence of complications in the 10–14 day from the moment of macrofocal myocardial infarction. The frequency of angina attacks per week per patient more significantly reduced under nutritional support, compared with patients receiving standard therapy and diet. The decrease of mean number of nitroglycerin tablets taken per week for one person from the experimental group was equal to 9,0 fold, and in the control group – 2,43, this demonstrates a significant strengthening of the effectiveness of basic therapy with early administration of soy product. The recovery of ischemic changes in the electrocardiogram in patients receiving soy product was significantly decreased compared with those receiving standard therapy and anti-atherogenic diet, the degree of reduction in the intervention group was 43,3%, while in the control group – 27,5%. These data indicate that the use of soy product in a comprehensive early rehabilitation therapy of patients with macrofocal myocardial infarction significantly reduces the risk of arrhythmias and conduction.

Keywords:myocardial infarction, diet, fermented soy-based product

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Viktor A. Tutelyan
Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the Federal Research Centre of Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (Moscow, Russia)

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